Northern Data AG has premiered 'The Glass Hermit', a groundbreaking short film by Oscar-winning artist Shona Heath, exploring the fusion of art and AI to amplify human creativity. Displayed in iconic locations like Times Square and Piccadilly Circus, this visually stunning piece marks Heath's debut in blending AI with her handcrafted process.
Part of Northern Data's "Innovation Bravery" campaign, the film showcases Heath's bespoke AI environment for manipulating original imagery while reflecting themes of nature, sustainability, and technology. Featuring Ruby Gaskell, the work aligns with Northern Data's commitment to responsible AI innovation.Collaborating with Emmy-winning HELO and Blind Pig, the team developed an experimental VFX+AI pipeline combining traditional and cutting-edge tools. Neil Evely, HELO Global Head of Innovation, says, "We made sure that any AI used was complimentary to Shona's aesthetic and story. Alongside Blind Pig, we developed a new VFX+AI pipeline that evolved daily, enabling us to combine traditional post-production tools with cutting edge AI technology. There isn't an instruction manual for what we wanted to do - every day was an experiment for us just as much as it was for Shona and Northern Data."
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ About Shona Heath
Shona Heath is an Oscar award and BAFTA winning Set Designer and Creative. She is responsible for creating some of the most memorable fashion photography from the past two decades. Her links with the fashion, art and film world continue to grow, making her an in demand creative collaborator.
Shona's vision could be described as confident and playful, a balance of refined and raw with an experimental use of materials and always with a feminine approach. She draws inspiration from the people and the art around her, stretching and distorting motifs from the natural world to create her own unique landscapes. Often taking a humorous approach to the everyday domestic or the concept of luxury, her work has a lightness and sense of fun that she is renowned for.
About HELO
HELO is a Creative Innovation Studio, assembled by an eclectic group of professionals from the worlds of entertainment, technology and design. We collaborate with partners to create moving experiences and craft content, producing original work at scale. Our passion for innovation is woven through everything we do. In 2024, HELO won an Emmy for Digital Innovation in Sport, a Grand Prix at Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity and Production Company of the Year at The One Show.